Disenchanted Live Action Junior Novelization

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Dive into the continuation of Giselle’s journey with Disenchanted, the sequel film to Enchanted from Walt Disney Live Action Studios releasing on Disney+.

Happily Ever After…Again!

Seeking  a  change  from  their  busy  lives  in  New York City,  Giselle  and  Robert  relocate  their  family  to the suburb of Monroeville, a charming town reminiscent of  Andalasia,  the  fairy-tale  land  where  Giselle  grew up. Their teenage daughter, Morgan, however, is less than thrilled. After a mishap in Morgan’s room at the  new house, her entire wardrobe is ruined! And to make  things worse, Giselle accidentally embarrasses Morgan in front of her peers at her new school. In a fit of anger, Morgan  tells  Giselle  that  she  will  never  be  her  real mother, only her stepmother.

Giselle  is  devastated.  Desperate  to  alter  her  circumstances, she wishes on the Wand of Wishes for a fairy-tale life for her and her family. The next day, her wish comes true! But it isn’t without a price. Will Giselle get her happily-ever-after once again? Or is this the end for Giselle and all of Andalasia?

  • Released

    November 1st, 2022
  • Pages

  • ISBN

  • Age Range
