The Grand Cosmic Story

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Here’s the story of everything, from the Big Bang to the far-off future 100 million years at a time, told in words and pictures.

With illuminating text and imaginative illustrations, this exquisite volume portrays every phase of our cosmic history.

Witness the unfolding history of the universe as you turn each page of The Cosmos, a brilliant and beautiful volume sure to fascinate anyone interested in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology.

In this large-format, full-color book, every two-page spread represents 100 million years in the universe’s 13.8-billion-year-long story—and beyond.

Custom illustrations created by two legendary space artists accompany detailed, accessible descriptions of the evolving cosmos as atoms, stars, galaxies, black holes, planets, life itself emerge. Fungi, flowers, dinosaurs, apes, humans appear on Earth, paralleled by changes in the vast realms of space surrounding—all narrated and visualized, step by step.

The book’s last few pages even picture a future beyond the present day, ending in void and randomness—a dramatic finish to an amazing journey combining science and imagination.

A prestigious creative team—astrophysicist Ethan Siegel, space artist Jon Lomberg, graphic designer William Lidwell, and science illustrator Mark Garlick—evoke the vastness of time and space, creating a uniquely comprehensive, evocative, and accessible history of everything in the cosmos.

  • Released

    October 7th, 2025
  • Pages

  • ISBN
