The Magic You Make


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Still reeling from their deadly encounter with the Knife and the revelation that the Culling was unnecessary, soulmates Nigel and Ori have been thrust into a resistance movement overnight.

They’ll do whatever it takes to end the tradition of greedy elites taking power from teen magicians. But with Alister rallying the Guild against them, a mysterious spell erasing the memories of every ally they recruit, and a dark force threatening to take control of Nigel, the road ahead is treacherous. Can Nigel and Ori’s newfound love protect them as they fight for justice—and their lives?

The action-packed follow-up to The Spells We Cast will make readers laugh, swoon, cheer, and hold their breath right down to the stunning conclusion.

  • Released

    October 1st, 2024
  • Pages

  • ISBN

  • Age Range

    Young Adult